Monday, 3 February 2014

Fifth Day of Editing: Creating the Production Logo and adding it to our opening scene

In a previous post I uploaded the production logo that I had created for mine and Sophie's production studio title for Silent Temptation. In that post I mentioned how the 'L' wasn't straight and how we'd both agreed that the 'L' and the 'P' don't flow into one another like how the 'N' and 'L' do, this was because the vertical lines and the 'P' went all the way down like they were blocking off the 'L' so I have created a new one:
This new one has had all the alterations made to it so that it looks better and more professional:
Now, I need to send this logo to Sophie through email so that she can add it to our opening scene, we cannot do this at school as we do not have the wifi at school for me to be able to send it to her MacBook. Once, this has all been done we will move on to creating a sound/jingle to go in the background of the production studios title.

We have finally added our production studios title to our opening scene, and we added a transition before and after it. The transition we added in before it is 'Crossover Zoom' and this makes it look sharp and clean, following this the transition after it is 'Fade to Black' and this makes it flow into the scene of me running more easily. Soon, we will create some sort of sound or jingle to go in the background of it. Below is a video of the two transitions and our production studio title in the opening scene:
IMG 5269[1] from Emily Smith on Vimeo.

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