In a previous post I linked to to one of Sophie's post about finding music for our opening scene and how she had found two bits that we both liked, today we got a reply from the person who owns the piece of music from YouTube saying that we could use it as long as we mentioned him in the credits and linked to him, and he asked if we would be able to send the video to him as well as he was interested to check it out:
Daniel Carison confirming that it is alright for us to use his piece of music. |
We used the first 40 seconds of 'Forever Film Noir (Part VI) - Daniel Carison for the scenes where I am being chased and we lowered the volume of the music as it got to my voiceover so that it was still playing underneath to keep the tension but not too loud that you can't hear or understand what the femme fatale is saying. Next, we added '"Case Closed" by Chris Durian', originally we had planned to put this in with the wedding shop scenes but we found the jazz to jolly for the kind of mood and feelings that we want to come across from those scenes, so Sophie is currently searching for a piece of music that is more mysterious, dark and seductive for those scenes. However, we are using this piece for the title of the film and the credits as it is appropriate and fits with the conventions of film noir.
Update: After asking Chris Durian if we could use his piece of music in our OTS, we got a email from him saying that we could.
Asking Chris to use his music. |
His email back to us with his reply saying that we could. |
Adding the pieces of music to our opening scene (bad quality from the camera). |
Update: Previously, me and Sophie were having difficulties finding a piece of music to go in with out wedding shop scene, but yesterday I went to hers to finish of the final piece of editing for our first cut and we looked on YouTube for a piece of music to fit it,
click here to listen to it:
The piece we decided on for the wedding shop scenes. |
Us asking the owner for permission to use it. |
And we have added the piece to our OTS as we have sent a message asking, we have also checked if the owner replies to people's comments which he does and quite quickly so as soon as me and Sophie get that reply we can add it as evidence to our blogs.
Adding the piece of music to our OTS. |
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