Friday, 28 February 2014

Fifteenth Day of Editing: Feedback sheets

Me and Sophie made feed back sheets for our second focus group to fill out when we showed them the second draft.
Feed back sheets.
Below are the questions that were on our feedback sheets and the average answers for most of the questions.
1. Is the story line clear to you?
Every single one of our replies said 'Yes'.
2. If you answered no to question one, what confused you?
No one answered this question as they had all answered 'Yes' to the first one.
3. Do you think that the Film Noir genre is evident throughout the OTS?
Many didn't know what the Film Noir genre was but after explaining it they answered 'Yes, it is similar to the Film Noir genre explained.'
4. Do you like the pieces of music? Do you think they flow nicely into one another? Do you think they're too loud or quiet?
'Yes I could hear the actors clearly enough over top of the music.'
5. What do you think of the titles? The font? The colour?
'The titles are clear enough to read, and the colour of the fonts fit in with the typical Film Noir conventions.'
6. Do you like the black and white filter over top of the scenes? Do you think it would look better a darker B&W?
'I don't think the B&W needs to be darker, this could make the lighting look less natural.'
7. Is the gunshot, heavy breathing and footsteps loud enough?
8. Do you think their is a wide enough variety of shots to keep you interested?
9. Do you think the monologue and the use of a voiceover is effective?
'The voiceover created suspension.'
10. What improvements overall do you think we could make in order to improve our OTS?
'Lengthen the sound of the gunshot.' 'I wondered if hearing the gunshot noise at the same time as the killer raises his arm would be more effective.' and 'Make the background noise more quiet.'

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